SNOPI: Social Network with Ontology-based adaPtive Interface

SNOPI focuses on adaptations of the user interface of an academic social network for users with different degrees of color blindness and low vision.

Undergraduate Project

SNOPI was developed in the context of an ongoing doctoral research and an undergraduate project (Scalser, 2022). It uses a fragment of HCI-ON including concepts from HCIO, User Characterization Ontology (UCO) and UI Types and Elements Ontology (UIT&EO).

The undergraduate project report is available (in Portuguese only) at (Scalser, 2022).

Staff info
Murilo Borghardt Scalser Undergraduate Student
Monalessa Perini Barcellos Advisor
Alexandre Adler Cunha de Freitas Coadvisor
SNOPI staff.
SNOPI's Ontology-Oriented Developement

The HCI-ON fragment was used as a reference model at development time (conceptual model) to structure the social network and its relational database, and as computational artifact (ontoSNOPI) at run-time to support the user interface adaptations through reasoning.

OWL file
Image Gallery